In the era of risk based, precision and personalized medicine, clinical prediction models have become abundant in the medical literature. PROBAST is a tool to assess the risk of bias of diagnostic and prognostic prediction models, and their applicability for the intended population and context.
The EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network is an international initiative that seeks to improve the reliability and value of published health research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting and wider use of robust reporting guidelines.
CHARMS guidance and checklist is designed for two purposes: 1. It provides explicit guidance (see Table 1 of the paper) to help reviewers and users of diagnostic or prognostic models framing the right (review) question and 2. It provides a data extraction list with explicit guidance (see Table 2 of the paper) which items to extract of prediction model studies or reports. CHARMS addresses all types of primary prediction model studies, for all types of target population, outcomes, predictors, and regardless of the used statistical techniques.
The Cochrane PMG focuses on the development, testing and implementation of al necessary methods and guidance needed for performing state-of-the-art reviews and meta-analysis of prognosis studies. The PMG provides The guidance and templates for all steps of a systematic review of prognosis studies, ranging from protocol template, search strategies, quality appraissal tools, data extraction tools, meta analysis tools and statistical scripts, certainty of evidence tools, and reporting guidance.